Will I Go To Jail For Online Poker?
In reality it is very unlikely that online poker playing will land a person in jail. The circumstances would have to be very unusual for it to happen. The running of an illegal poker site in the U.S. could certainly land you in the jail though, so you will want to avoid that.
When it comes to the issue of legal trouble for actually playing poker online in the United States, it is far less concerning than with other forms of gaming like casino play + sports betting. In fact of the three major types of gambling, web-based poker is perceived to be the least threatening in terms of the law. Still, getting in trouble and facing potential jail time for playing poker online is still an issue that concerns players. This can be attributed to the varied legislation from state to state and events like Black Friday.
The opportunities and outlets to play online poker in the United States is growing, and that is thanks to the decrease in the potential penalties that are associated when Americans want to play poker online for cash. Nevertheless it's important to address pitfalls that can come along with playing Internet poker at websites that are not regulated by the United States.
There are ways in which an online poker player could potentially run into trouble for online poker. Fortunately, a person would have to go above and beyond to do so such as directly violating the legal betting age in their state or doing something stupid like operating their own online poker room.
The primary law relating to online poker is the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. But this act doesn't even apply to players! It applies to gambling businesses running the sites. The UIGEA targets businesses that knowingly accept payments for wagers. The user is not in violation by playing a hand of poker online whether it is for free or for real money. So these offshore sites that permit American players are legal to lay down real money on tables and tournaments.
With online poker sites forming in Nevada and New Jersey, the state of the game is becoming more legitimate in the eyes of the law. This means that significant changes could take place in the near future. While there are still laws relating to USA online poker, the fact that now even online sites operate legally and are run by states in the U.S. makes online poker seem much less taboo.
If you are a resident in Nevada currently, the option to play at an online poker site run by the state and legally licensed is already afforded to you. There are a couple of different options as well, so even going to an offshore site isn't necessary.
The same can soon be said for New Jersey, which online poker legally as well as casino games available at the dozen regulated online casinos based out of Atlantic City. Online gaming is changing and poker is helping to spearhead the paradigm shift.
The law against underage gambling is universal no matter what the betting arena is. There will be age restrictions and it is imperative that U.S. poker players abide by them or there could be consequences down the line. Will someone go to jail if they play poker online? Probably not, but there could be penalties imposed under the current "letter of the law" where you live but these are primarily meant to discourage users and penalize those who operate illegal poker venues + websites.
While online poker is legal in states like Nevada and New Jersey, there are still plenty of places where sites cannot operate and residents must turn to online poker rooms that are located offshore. In these cases, PokerUSPlayers.com recommends that you read up on the local laws in your area to find out about the penalties for online poker playing to see if local state laws are in place.
Please know that we are not affiliated with the law and always suggest that you ask an attorney if you have more questions or any concerns about violating potential laws + online poker statutes where you live.